Theodore's World: Doug Hoffman: ACORN and the Unions Will Not Have Their Way!

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November 16, 2009

Doug Hoffman: ACORN and the Unions Will Not Have Their Way!

Doug Hoffman: ACORN and the Unions Will Not Have Their Way!


Our Campaign Is Not Over Yet!
So many people have written hoping we continue the fight, count every ballot and make sure no one steals this election. Acorn and the unions did their best to try and say that the conservative movement was a sham. Rest assured they will not succeed. On Election Night the information we received was far different from what we received this week. They will not silence our voice that easily!
There is also the fact that NY is using the Sequoia Voting Systems machines. Princeton University ( cited them as having been susceptible to voter fraud in the past. There's a reason why the State of California BANNED them. Yet we must now prepare for this possibility as well.
We are working to get the message out that this election is far from over! Our campaign and the New York Conservative Party is watching this recount and preparing for our next course of action. On Friday Doug appeared on Cavuto on FoxNews and will appear on Glen Beck's radio show on Monday. It is a call-to-arms for conservatives. Help however you can; post blogs, comment on websites and donate to help us mount a challenge if need be!

The Gouverneur Times

NY - Despite the fact that Bill Owens has already been sworn-in and has voted on crucial legislation in the House of Representatives, he may not have actually won the NY-23 Congressional Special Election.

Several errors were made during the initial vote counts. Over 2,000 votes for contender Doug Hoffman were not counted in the preliminary results, narrowing the current vote gap to less than 3,000 votes between Democrat Bill Owens and Conservative Doug Hoffman.

The errors were discovered during the standard vote recanvas that has been underway since November 4th. The largest error occurred in Oswego County where the vote recanvas found a discrepancy of more than 1,200 votes in Doug Hoffman's favor. Another error, in Jefferson County contributed an additional 700 votes in Hoffman's favor during the recount.

The election was close enough even on election night that the New York State Board of Elections was unable to present a "clear decision" in the race according to John Conklin, Communications Director for the department. He said that the Board sent a letter to the Clerk of the House of Representatives in Washington indicating that they could not yet determine a winner and could therefore not certify the election until after the recanvas and absentee ballot count. Those final numbers will not be available until at least mid-December.

Nancy Pelosi was only able to legally swear-in Bill Owens because Doug Hoffman had conceded the election, indicating that he did not contest the initial, and now shown erroneous, results, something he may not have done if he had been aware of how close the election was.

Mr. Hoffman told the Gouverneur Times that he felt at the time that he "was being a good sport" in doing so. With 93% of the polls in and counted and a margin of over 5,000 votes in favor of Owens, he felt he had lost the election. He now says that "while hindsight is 20/20, if I had known it was that close, I probably would have waited."

Bill Owens was sworn in 2 days later and proceeded to vote in favor of Pelosi's health care bill the following day. While Mr. Hoffman feels that deliberately contesting the results of the election to prevent Owens' deciding vote in the Health Care bill would "not have been very sportsmanlike," and that he, personally, would not like to see a politician manipulate events in that manner, he also indicated that the good of the American people and the citizens of the 23rd district would have weighed in on that decision as well.

As it stands now, Bill Owens may be in Washington and voting the Pelosi Party line but when the vote is certified he may be ousted. The state Board of Elections indicated that "...all ballots will be counted, and if the result changes, Owens will have to be removed." Concession speech or not, if the voters in the 23rd District elected Doug Hoffman and not Bill Owens, then Hoffman will be the Representative.

There are currently over 10,000 uncounted absentee ballots, many of which were in the military where a strongly conservative bias exists. Given the narrow margin of Owens' lead at this time, it's entirely possible that this race could still swing for Hoffman.

Sources indicate that the Democrats would not have had the votes to pass the Health bill if Owens had not been sworn-in and pledged his support for it. Several other Representatives have indicated that they would not have cast their votes in favor of the bill if they were not certain that it had the votes to win.


Wild Thing's comment........

This should be a warning to conservatives... do NOT concede too soon!

The winner is whomever received the most amount of votes, and this race hasn’t been certified since the votes haven’t all been counted.

Oh man, wouldn’t this be amazing? That would be great is Hoffman does win and they oust Owens.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Fight it out to the last dang vote is counted. Democraps would never concede anything in a sportsmanlike fashion. They lie and cheat their way to victory. Hoffman should hang in there and retake that seat. See if THEY will be sportsmanlike.


....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Posted by Wild Thing at November 16, 2009 04:48 AM


No Conservative or Republican should ever concede an election.

Posted by: BobF at November 16, 2009 07:49 AM

Recount starts tomorrow. Those in power somehow forgot to count the military and absentee ballots before giving NY 23 to Owens, who may have been sworn in illegally just to get that vote to push the Health care bill through. Keep your fingers crossed. If it worked for Al Franken, it can work for Doug Hoffman, too. Turnabout is fair play.

Posted by: Lynn at November 16, 2009 08:24 AM

If you concede an election does that mean, THATS FINAL ? Even though all the votes have not been counted ? Obviously, the democrats knew this was a fraud that's why they RUSHED to get owens seated.

Now if the votes turn out to be in favor of Hoffman, then what ? Their side screams foul, and of course draw no parallels with Minnesota where Al Franken was finding extra votes in car trunks.

I am really beginning to believe the Republicans are too stupid to cheat.

Posted by: Mark at November 16, 2009 08:29 AM

Recounts only count for Democrats. They always keep a few car trunks full of extra votes.

Posted by: TomR at November 16, 2009 12:01 PM

I am not sure if he still has a chance
even if it shows in the total count
he has more votes.

I was thinking it might not be over
due to the count not being certified.
But we are dealing with dems so since
they cheat it more then likely won't
matter. waaaaaaa

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 16, 2009 11:40 PM

In the 1080s in Indiana's 8th congressional district the Democrat lost but Tip O'neil sent a deligation to oversee the recount. by the end of the recount the commision found enough punch card ballots with vertical holes to put the Democrat over the top. The problem is that Indiana votes on punch cards with horizantal holes.
What is changing is not the degree towhich Democrats cheat but that they can no longer cover it up.
Fear the Inernet all you liberals.

Posted by: Avitar at November 17, 2009 11:54 PM