Theodore's World: Bill Ayers: “I wrote Dreams From My Father”

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October 07, 2009

Bill Ayers: “I wrote Dreams From My Father”

Bill Ayers at the Reagan National

Bill Ayers: “I wrote Dreams From My Father”

Chicago Daily Observer

by Anne Leary

There I was, sitting in Reagan National Monday morning, sipping a Starbucks by the United counter before going through security. I had a little time, so I was browsing through the news. Some military guys had borrowed a chair from my table. I looked up from time to time to enjoy the sun streaming through.

That’s when I saw Bill Ayers, an instant blight. Scruffy, thinning beard, dippy earring, and the wirerims, heading to order. I gathered my things, got my camera ready, and snapped a shot right when he got his coffee.

I asked–what are you doing in D.C. Mr. Ayers?

For a moment I thought he might be on my flight back to Chicago. Charming. Initially I guess he thought I was laying claim to his coffee or something. He gave me an uneasy cheesy smile when he realized I was taking his picture. I asked him if he was speaking at GW? (Only I said GFW, guess I had the VFW on my mind)

He said oh you mean GW, he said no…was trying to decide if I was a fan, then said he was giving a lecture in Arlington to a Renaissance group on education–that’s what I do, education–you shouldn’t believe everything you hear about me, you know nothing about me.

I said, I know plenty–I’m from Chicago, a conservative blogger, and I’ll post this. (Oh, yeah, Bill Ayers, quite the Renaissance man, nail-bomber extraordinaire. Gee, I see another friend of Barack, U.S. Sec. of Education Arne Duncan was there too. “The conference theme is “A Time for Reflection, Celebration and Rebirth.” How touching. At best, useless, at worst, so wrong.)

Then, unprompted he said–I wrote Dreams From My Father. I said, oh, so you admit it. He said–Michelle asked me to. I looked at him. He seemed eager. He’s about my height, short. He went on to say–and if you can prove it, we can split the royalties. So I said, stop pulling my leg. Horrible thought. But he came again–I really wrote it, the wording was similar. I said I believe you probably heavily edited it. He said–I wrote it. I said–why would I believe you, you’re a liar.

He had no answer to that. Just looked at me. Then he turned and walked off, and said again his bit about my proving it and splitting the proceeds.

But the question remains–is Barack Obama a fraud? Is his myth-making creation and only major accomplishment a product of Bill Ayers’ imagination? (or his own) Is our President Barack Obama’s biography written by an unrepentant domestic terrorist?

Perhaps I’ll become Bill Ayers’ favorite conservative blogger and he can prove his authorship himself–turn over your notes Bill. And how about turning yourself in for your crimes.

I remember that era, Mr. Ayers. People died because of your actions, including your girlfriend. More would have if you had been more successful. And yet you have the gall to teach the teachers of our young. I won’t forget your murderous intent, your shameful acts, your contemptible lies and evasions. And when history is written, I hope you’ll be reviled–or forgotten.

As for our President, the verdict is still out. But Barack Obama called Bill Ayers friend and colleague for years. That in itself makes a damning statement.

( The Examiner’s theory that being denied proper credit for the president’s book — which was published almost 15 years ago — may have finally triggered Ayers’s megalomania such that he could no longer suppress the truth during … a chance encounter with a blogger in an airport )

Who Wrote "Dreams from My Father"? (1 of 2)

Who Wrote "Dreams from My Father"? (2 of 2)

Jack Cashill has documented the amazing connection between Ayres and Obama's first book Dreams From My Father. New information has come out to support Cashill's theory that Ayres wrote most of Dreams.

Jack Cashill website

Wild Thing's comment.......

But the question remains–is Barack Obama a fraud?

This is waaaaay tooooo easy a question.

I guess when you figure you can literally get away with murder, there's no reason to deny writing a book that you actually wrote.

These people feel like they're invincible. And it's going to be their downfall.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 7, 2009 05:50 AM


This is another thing that has been out there for awhile even though Ayers just now came out and said it. Just a guy in his neighborhood indeed. I think it's a trap, there is no real way to prove it. Or maybe it's like the impatient lefties who are starting to turn on Zero or the comments Rev. Wrong has said about him--they seem a bit like scorned lovers--lol.

These people are all cowards. Yes, their arrogance will be their downfall, even though for now they think they can avoid tough questioning by boycotting FOX News and anyone else who'll ask the hard questions. Even when the top spokesholes like Burton and Axelrod show up to answer questions they keep to the robot-like talking point sentences, but FOX doesn't abet these answers like the other networks, who actually help them perpetuate their lie of transparency. Gibby gets more sarcastic and hateful everyday--it's like he's having an eighth grader help him prepare his answers to questions he doesn't like.

Everyday it's something new and I keep wondering how much longer they can get away with it, but they do. Won't be like that when they lose their congressional majority (I hope). That's why losing their cheatin' machines ACORN and SEIU is so critical.

Posted by: Eden at October 7, 2009 07:00 AM

Of course he's a fraud! Bought and paid for like Eric Crouch's Heisman Trophy or the Academy Award for Best Movie. His whole Presidency is a sham. A Manchurian Candidate, bought and paid for by Georg Soros. I keep thinking that I'm in a coma and that I'll wake up and it will all be a dream, but NOOOOO, it's real and America fell for it, hook, line and sinker. They played right into his grubby little hands.

Posted by: Lynn at October 7, 2009 08:12 AM

Ayers, Vigilance Committee, 3-7-77. Any questions?

Posted by: Glenn M. Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Retired at October 7, 2009 11:27 AM

Another lie from obama, he said he barely new the 'fellow', they'd met once or twice. He also said you should judge him by the company he keeps. I guess we know how to judge this POS, traitor, lying bastard.

Posted by: Mark at October 7, 2009 11:58 AM

In three years I wonder how many Americans will vote to be fooled again. Eeverything about obama is fraud and fakery. Even his claim to be Black. He is Black/White mixed.

Obama is a talker. He is a slick salesman selling himself. You're totally right Lynn, America fell for it. Or 52% of voters fel for it while others were screaming, "He's a fraud".

I don't think the truth can be hidden forever. Just like the ACORN situation, parts of the obama story may unravel. Maybe passport info, or school records. He can only get so much and so many under that bus. Of course, a lot of supporters will not care and will continue to chant his praises.

Posted by: TomR at October 7, 2009 12:12 PM

Hmmnn!!! Heaven forbid there being a pattern of subterfuge. FDR's never being shown as being physically impaired not to mention his failing mental capacity, Harry's inability to discover that the UN was formed by Communists under his watch after 5 long years, both FDR and Truman sold Eastern Europe to the enslavement of Stalin, JFK's dereliction on the PT109 and his subsequent heroic portrayal, LBJ's bogus Silver Star for action he never encountered, the peanut farmer who capitulated to Iran and got the Nobel peace prize for fraternizing with Palestinian Terrorists, a United States Senator who openly performed acts of treason during wartime, all perpetrated by a political party that pretends to be sovereign but is really foreign. Nothing is beneath their duplicity, with Soros buying the oval office and now working hard to destroy not only the economy but it's monetary standard. The Soros puppet was heralded by this Prescient image, too bad teleprompters weren't in vogue then but I hear there are cochlear implants that are capable of replacing them, so he won't have to swivel his arrogant head from side to side as he spews his programmed lies. The perfect puppet, like Gibbs.

Yes Glenn!!!

Posted by: Jack at October 7, 2009 12:42 PM

I have not totally despaired of voting this street trash out of office but I suspect that almost everybody on all the conservative blogs that I read have. A woman named Marsha Serzins is running for Aurora City Council as a Republican and her sign is in my front yard. It is easier to complain in a blog comment than to get somebody elected. Get involved in Politics if you really care. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Better yet run for office yourself and find out how many friends you have. I did twice and it was character building if nothing else.

Posted by: horace at October 7, 2009 02:32 PM

I agree Horace. We are a Republican township and county pretty much, but since it's Illinois, even though much of downstate is conservative, it's hard to compete with Chicago and it's dead and stupid on state and national contests.

I'm ready to go all ACORN on these people. Don't know where or how yet, but I'm ready.

Posted by: Eden at October 7, 2009 03:56 PM

Thank you so much everyone.

GREAT input, gosh you all are so

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 7, 2009 11:47 PM