Theodore's World: Robert Gibbs Trying to Explain Low Class Obama's "Wee Wee'd Up" Comment

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August 22, 2009

Robert Gibbs Trying to Explain Low Class Obama's "Wee Wee'd Up" Comment

Here is video of a very flustered Robert Gibbs trying to explain what President Obama meant when he said "wee wee'd up."


Wild Thing's comment......

So now we are stuck with a low class jerk in the White House that when he speaks or gives a comment, if someone tries to explain what he has said has to be concerned with it not being prime time conversation. LOL

Obama needs to take his wife, kids and mother-in-law and head on back to his crib in Chicago and give us back our country. He is soooo not qualified to be president, not now not ever. He is NOT a leader that is why he has to do so many things in the pushy manner of a dictator to get this agenda passed. Bully, lies, trying to intimidate, snitch baloney with the fishy thing, so many things non stop to destroy this awesome country.

He does not get it, he has not clue why our country has been and is so great.

Posted by Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 05:49 AM


Wee-wee'd up? Did he mean gettin' all Pissy?
Why didn't he just say so? I suppose he had been
watching Barney on tv (the purple dinosaur, not the Frank,but then again...) and thought he was being polite by using the term wee-wee'd up. It boggled my mind when I heard him say that. Sounds like something little Sasha would say and I would expect it from her, not from dad.
Sorry to tell you, Obama, I'm gettin' all pissy, not wee-wee'd up!

Posted by: Lynn at August 22, 2009 06:59 AM

So presidential! NOT!
We have a wee-wee administration who depends on thugs and gangs of people in orange,red and purple t-shirts to do their dirty work.
"Nervous for no apparent reason"?? Oh, I'd say the critters in DC have a very apparent reason for being nervous (pink slips are being printed as I write this). Hiding out in union offices, tele-conferences, or no townhalls at all. Oh, I'd say wee-weed is a perfect description of the inhabitants of the swamp.
I can't imagine one of our troops ever uttering such a word - for any reason, ever. Which, in my mind, says volumes about Teh One. (See Chrissie's post of photo of the VN Vet's sign above.) ;o)

Posted by: yankeemom at August 22, 2009 09:07 AM

United States meet the president from the "HOOD".
He brings a new level of disgrace to the White House.

Posted by: cbeobide at August 22, 2009 10:42 AM

I just say to obama, "may piss be upon you".

Posted by: TomR at August 22, 2009 12:14 PM

Bush got the first TARP passed some 800 Billion, then obama's 787 Billion then the 400+ Billion porkulus plus other sundry items, cash for clunkers etc. The economy is in the tank and obama says its right on track. What track is he talking about ? yesterday he extended our defict to 9 Trillion giving more credit to an overburden economy, For what ?

When you add it up obama's spent almost 2 Trillion on his own in 6 months. For what ? What is the purpose of all this spending. His end game is to collapse the American economy and declare capitalism a disaster and make Socialism the redeeming out for our plight, eventhough he is the one who brought us to this collapse.

This bastard is evil.

Posted by: Mark at August 22, 2009 09:11 PM

Lynn, he really talks down to all of us,
and that includes those that voted for him.
He has a thing about him and I really
believe this that he thinks he is
untouchable and above all others.
Very sick indeed.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 11:20 PM

Yankeemom, exactly it is eons away from
being Presidential. He and his wife have
really lowered the class of the office of

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 11:21 PM

cbeobide, you nailed it, that is
what he is.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 11:23 PM

Tom, heh heh good one.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 11:26 PM

Mark, well said this is exactly what
he is doing and goal.

" His end game is to collapse the American economy and declare capitalism a disaster and make Socialism the redeeming out for our plight,"

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 11:28 PM

Thought the comment refered to lighting up a joint.

Posted by: Dave 18Zulu at August 23, 2009 01:04 PM