Theodore's World: Obama's Socialist Health Care Plan To Destroy America

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July 17, 2009

Obama's Socialist Health Care Plan To Destroy America

Kate Obenshain on Obama's socialist health care plan

Obama..........'It Will Happen This Year'...More lies, LIES, he can't tell the truth.

Megan Kelly interviews Sen. Bernie Sanders argues need for health care reform

He is such a liar this Bernie Sanders.

Wild Thing's comment...........

They have to lie to try and sell this socialism to our country. The truth would shut this Bill down so fast their heads would spin like a top and fly right off their shoulders.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 17, 2009 07:24 PM


Total Welfare Healthcare: Because American was Too Wealthy and Healthy without It!

Posted by: Anonymous at July 17, 2009 07:40 PM

First Sanders should have a (C) after his name. Frances system is nothing to write home about. If our system is so bad and ailing, Can Bernie explain WHY EVERYBODY comes here for their operations, By-pass, Open heart, and other treatments that are so effective HERE, than any place in the entire World.

But here we are again, Hurry up we got to get this through, and 5 will get you 10 nobody will have an opportunity to read this POS bill. That will take our Health Care system to the proverbial cleaners.

Sanders claims 50 Million people are un insured, ok this number seems to fluctuate by 10 million people depending on who is talking. If 50 Million is a good number, where are the extra doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Laboratory Technicians, Pharmacists, et al, going to come from. You just don't shit them but obama's got a plan.

Again the good news, San Fran Nan doesn't have the votes on this one. Maybe, just maybe, someone will get to read this piece of garbage before it is voted on. Thats why the hurry, WT, if the people knew half of what is in this crap, they'd march on Washington with Pitch forks and torches and rope. They know this.

Posted by: Mark at July 17, 2009 07:44 PM

Bernie Sanders is an avaowed and unrepentant marxist anyway; sould we expect anything else from the sombitch? Anyway Dick Morris said this obamunist POS will get shot down once details are leaked about it. I'm going with Tricare so I don't have to put up with this crap, (God forbid it should actually get through) but the VA will end up treating me like sh!t anyway. I've heard the horror stories, not just about waiting, but other gruesome details as well. That's what you'll be getting America VA quality care just slower and less care. But Hey! It's free; so who the f*ck cares right? I swear some people in this country are spoiled rotten. They'll give up freedom for free stuff. Stupid A**holes.

Posted by: JohnE PFC U.S. Army at July 17, 2009 07:46 PM

Anonymous, good one, possible sticker in this.

"Because American was Too Wealthy and Healthy without It!"

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 17, 2009 08:06 PM

Mark, your so right, he really does need a
C after his name.
I have been talking to so many people at
the gym about this. Just one on one and
everyone agrees, they are all really
ticked about this and don't want it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 17, 2009 08:10 PM

JohnE PFC U.S. Army, some of the
VA's are really good, excellent actually.
But your right there are far too many
that are not good, and especially the
pharmacy too. That is were a ton of
danger is when perscriptions are given
and no one checks to see what else the
Vet or active durty soldier is on already.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 17, 2009 08:13 PM

I spent the day at a VA facility, not for treatment, paperwork. My case agent is a young lady whose father in law is a Marine, I asked her about Tri-Care and where it was headed, she replied you sound just like 'Dad', he's been asking the same questions. Bottom line she has no more of an idea than we do.

We are all in jeopardy and it's frustrating that we have no representation.

Who to hold responsible?

Where was the watchdog when Bernie Sanders set up the CPC in '93? Nobody objected to having an open and declared Socialist(Communist) amongst their ranks. Why he looks like us after all!!!

Where have the Republicans been since 1950 when that old Marine Joseph McCarthy outed them with the hearings in 1954, he was censured by Democrats and Republicans alike. Edward R Murrow was the Walter Cronkite of the day and he whipped the media to a frenzy against McCarthy, history does repeat itself, look at the news today. SOS!!!
Look at those 7 to 10 'Republicans' left who see the end of their freedom too and only now stand up.
Those of us who have seen the enemy all along have been branded as reactionary, looney's and "right whingers". Now we are on the Enemy of the State watch list, being run by those very Communists.

What part of the Congressional Oath don't they understand?

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

The Soutpiel's Oath:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Posted by: Jack at July 17, 2009 11:22 PM