Theodore's World: Obama Favoring His Muslims He Backs Away From War on Terror

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February 09, 2009

Obama Favoring His Muslims He Backs Away From War on Terror

Obama backs away from war on terror


It started two days after Obama became the president. Obama directed the closing of the terrorist detention center in Guantanamo Bay, even though he has no clue what to do with the terrorists detained at Guantanamo.

At the two-week mark of the Obama presidency, the president was asked in a television interview why he didn't use the phrase "war on terror." Obama's Carter-like naive response was to say he believes the U.S. can win over moderate Muslims if he chooses his words carefully:

"I think it is very important for us to recognize that we have a battle or a war against some terrorist organizations," Obama said Tuesday. "But that those organizations aren't representative of a broader Arab community, Muslim community."
He added that he believes the U.S. can convince Muslims "that we should be working together to make sure that everybody has got a better life."

Obama continues to walk away from the war on terror at a quickening pace. Two days after Obama talked to Anderson Cooper about his choice of words, Obama ordered charges dropped against the terrorist mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole.

In meeting with families of September 11 terrorist attacks and the 17 sailors killed in the terrorist bombing of the USS Cole, Obama made it clear that he was more concerned about the prosecution of terrorists than prosecution of the war on terror:

"The previous administration was very focused on the prosecution of the war on terror and keeping America safe from future attacks. The current administration is very focused on the prosecution of the detainees of the war on terror. The important thing for America is to find the right balance of both those approaches."

Then, even though Obama said he will send more troops to Afghanistan as he withdraws combat soldiers from the war in Iraq, today we learn Obama has put the brakes on more troops for Afghanistan. This step back comes even as military commanders continue to plead for more troops.

In his 2003 commentary, A Bloody March to Peace, Tony Blankley reminds us that the Islamafacists and terrorists continue wage war against us because they doubt our staying power:

They remember Vietnam, where we lost the will to fight.
They remember Beirut in 1983, where we turned tail and ran after they killed our Marines in their barracks.
They remember the first World Trade Center bombing in February 1993, when we turned to our lawyers instead of our soldiers.
They remember Mogadishu in October 1993, where we left our dead and skedaddled out of country.
They remember the attack on the USS Cole in 2000, where we ordered our ships to sea rather than our Marines to shore.

Obama's walking away from the war on terror will only encourage our enemies. It is the functional equivalent of appeasement. We are no more able to successfully appease the Islamafacist terrorists, than Chamberlain was able to successfully appease Hitler.

We are involved in a long struggle. We didn't choose this war, and we cannot back away from it. We cannot afford to be seen, or even be perceived, to falter in our determination to prevail. If we are, it will encourage our enemies and prolong the war.

Wild Thing's comment......

Excellent article.

Obama is sending a clear signal that he is NOT interested in PREVENTING attacks, and waging the war against terrorists "over there", instead of waiting until they come over here and murder us by the thousands or worse.

"The previous administration was very focused on the prosecution of the war on terror and keeping America safe from future attacks. The current administration is very focused on the prosecution of the detainees of the war on terror. "

His own words tell us of his agenda. And he is unilaterally surrendering us to the terrorists. VP Dick Cheney was exactly right when he warned Obama of terrorists attacks!

“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said.
"Protecting the country’s security is “a tough, mean, dirty, nasty business,” he said. “These are evil people. And we’re not going to win this fight by turning the other cheek.”

Posted by Wild Thing at February 9, 2009 05:40 AM


"Hey Lucifer, Adolf and Stalin... I told you they were INFIDELS!" - Mohamad Atta in Hell

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at February 9, 2009 08:47 AM


Posted by: cuchieddie at February 9, 2009 12:59 PM

Can't somebody just shoot the @$$ HO?

Posted by: Steve Gaston, Furure Victim of Democrat Socialism at February 9, 2009 03:40 PM

This war may ultimately have to be fought on the streets of America by armed citizens. If we are still allowed to legally be armed.

Posted by: TomR at February 9, 2009 06:09 PM

I apologize to Jesus for disagreeing with his teachings but, when someone slaps you on the cheek, you punch them right in the throat.

Posted by: JohnE PFC U.S. Army at February 9, 2009 06:41 PM

Darth, good one!!!!

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 9, 2009 07:06 PM

cuchieddie, he sure is and I can't stand him.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 9, 2009 07:08 PM

Steve Gaston, Furure Victim of Democrat Socialism..... I know what you mean.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 9, 2009 07:09 PM

Tom, I pray that never happens but I have been thinking a lot about that lately and how it really might get to that.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 9, 2009 07:11 PM

JohnE PFC U.S. Army,I think God would be fine with that it is for a good reason.

I forget the Bible verse but it is a story abuot righteous anger. How Jesus turned the tables upside down etc. when he saw what the money grabbers I think it was and what they were doing in God's name.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 9, 2009 07:14 PM

The constitution gives me the right to arm (Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms) and the Declaration of Independence the right to resist an oppressive government. (We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.)

Posted by: Duane at February 9, 2009 07:28 PM

Duane, DITTO that and thank you.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 9, 2009 08:27 PM