Theodore's World: Scam and Con Man Al Gore and His Gas-Guzzling Fans

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July 18, 2008

Scam and Con Man Al Gore and His Gas-Guzzling Fans

Americans for Prosperity rallied taxpayers outside Al Gore's big global warming speech in Washington, and found that some Gore followers didn't exactly practice what he preached.

Gore's Hypocrisy Exposed in New Video: His Entourage's Lincoln Town Car Outside Global Warming Speech Idles w/ AC Cranking for 20 Minutes!

Gore didn't ride his bike or take public transporation to the event. He didn't even take his Prius! Instead, he brought a fleet of two Lincoln Town Cars and a Chevy Suburban SUV! Even worse, the driver of the Town Car that eventually whisked away Gore's wife and daughter left the engine idling and the AC cranking for 20 minutes before they finally left!


Wild Thing's comment........

Thank God Al Gore never became President! This jerk among all the things he is scam artist is right up there at the top. He is making money of stupid people that believe his BS. They will go and make sacrifices and he zooms along doing his thing and not even feeling any guilt about.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 18, 2008 02:45 AM


Why are OBESE liberals pro-wind power and pro-bicycling? Queen's 70's hit "Fat Bottom Girls" Albert? Gore's GAS emissions are from TWIX candy bars and Pepsi drinks, eh? Hollyweirdo Michael Moore is a 'jabba the hut' Goreon too? Imagine that?

Posted by: The Ethics Cleanser 08 at July 18, 2008 05:10 AM

Yes completely green in 10 years. 100% of electricity powered by wind turbines and solar power. As a first step I would encourage Gore to fill his estate with windmills and power his energy guzzling house. If that is not feasable he can forget his lawn and cover his estate with solar panels. Screw Gore and his "green" tribe of wackos.

Posted by: Bob at July 18, 2008 07:40 AM

Conservation for Thee, Not ME!

Hypocrisy, Thy name is Liberal.

This is what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum...

Is anyone else bothered as much as I am that the American people have come to the point where they fall for each and every snake oil salesman that comes along?

Posted by: yankeemom at July 18, 2008 08:47 AM

But, but----AL Gore is a very important person. He should have more privileges than the rest of us(peons). He needs a larger car and house(for his massive frame and ego).

Al Gore has spent his entire life in Washington DC political circles(his father was also a US senator). Gore has no concept of the average American or the average lifestyle. He is a super elitist.

Posted by: TomR at July 18, 2008 10:10 AM

So while we wait for an alternative source of energy that is somewhat reliable when compared to Oil what are we supposed to do.

Oh yes conserve, he's big on telling other people what to do, and conservation is a good idea. It is too bad he has no concept of the Law of Conservation of Energy. But like Plosi, Reed and the rest of those nitwits they are all experts, where or when did they become experts on anything, except BS. They keep talking about Renewable energy, no such thing, once energy is used it is gone, spent kaput.

How much u wanna bet they will try to regulate solar energy. They tax and regulate everything else.

This man is a total 'freakin' idiot',

Posted by: Mark at July 18, 2008 05:35 PM

The Ethics Cleanser 08, ROTFLMAO

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 18, 2008 07:14 PM

Bob, I read where a lot of birds are being killed because of the wind turbines. I wonder why the enviros don't mind that and instead rant about drilling instead.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 18, 2008 07:17 PM

Yankeemom, yesss that bothers me a lot it shocks me and I can't figure it out.

"Is anyone else bothered as much as I am that the American people have come to the point where they fall for each and every snake oil salesman that comes along?"

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 18, 2008 07:20 PM

Tom, LMAO yesss he does.

"He needs a larger car and house(for his massive frame and ego)."

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 18, 2008 07:21 PM

Mark, yes he is and I bet your right about regulating it and taxing too.

I remember reading years ago how he worships mother earth, Gia and how he also thinks there should be population control. It was back during Clinton's second term as President and a ton of stuff came out about Gore.

Worshiping mother earth oh my gosh how sick is that.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 18, 2008 07:26 PM