Theodore's World: Charlie Daniels Latest ~ " Socialism"

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May 27, 2008

Charlie Daniels Latest ~ " Socialism"


I have noticed some people who are developing a somewhat permissive attitude toward socialism and I personally think it's dangerous.

Socialism is like a snake; it can creep silently in and stay around until the opportunity to bite comes along. Socialism is one of those things that sounds good on paper but never has and never will work out in practicality.

Socialism sounds like a noble Robin Hood, share and share alike proposition where all the money goes into one pot and is distributed by a central government which makes the decisions about what you get and what you don't get.

Actually there is no such thing as mass socialism because you can't administer such an undertaking without a mega massive bureaucracy which is actually a totalitarian police state were everybody watches everybody else and if you don't toe the line you get the midnight knock on the door. If you don't believe that, research the communist histories of Russia, Cuba, the Eastern block countries and look what Hugo Chavez is doing to Venezuela.

Years ago when the Berlin wall came down and McDonalds first broke into the Eastern block countries, the people there wanted jobs because they wanted to earn the kind of wages they paid.

Yes they wanted the wages, but they didn't want the work. The decades of communism had so dulled their work ethic that they thought they should be able to work a few hours and spend the rest of the day reading the newspaper or something. McDonalds had something like a three hundred percent turnover.

All they had ever had were state sponsored jobs where it made no difference how hard you worked, you weren't going to be rewarded for it any more than the lazy slob next to you.

Michael Moore did a film some time back called Sicko. I didn't see it but I understand he was praising the quality of healthcare in Cuba. But I'll promise you that if Mr. Moore contracts a horrible disease you couldn't drag him to Cuba for treatment. If he gets really sick, you'll see his anti-Americanism fade with his health.

Sure there's great medical in Cuba… for Fidel and his cronies. There is always the best of everything for the people who have the guns. The leaders live like kings but the rest of the people suffer and suffer badly.

Speaking of sickos, how about Kim Jong-il in North Korea and his supposed socialistic government? He spends the meager GNP of North Korea on developing atomic weapons while millions of people suffering under his rule are forced to eat just about anything they can chew and have had to cut down most of the trees in the country just to keep from freezing to death. Where are you Sierra Club?

And all the while this little monster sits back and sips his expensive cognac and thumbs his nose at the rest of the world.

Have you noticed what has happened to China in the last few years since they've adopted a degree of capitalism? Unfortunately they still have the totalitarian government, but at least they enjoy a measure of freedom they haven't known in half a century.

If you want to know about socialized medicine talk to a Canadian or talk to someone who has been unfortunate enough to be sick while they are visiting England.

You see, Socialism is not about kindness, caring or seeing that everybody has a hospital bed when they need one. Socialism is about control.

It's about a handful of elitists telling you what kind of car you can drive, what doctor to go to and taking away your personal freedom increment by increment until this will no longer be the sweet land of liberty.

Stop and think about it, the government only does one thing and that is spend your money. They don't manufacture anything, they just spend money and they will never have enough of it.

They're like the pathetic people who are addicted to gambling. They will take every cent they can get their hands on, throw it away and turn around and ask for more.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, in my opinion, we have the worst Congress and Senate we have ever had. Democrat, Republican or Independent, they're a body of mealy-mouthed pabulum-eaters who are not going to do anything useful and make sure that nobody else is going to do anything useful.

They refuse to tackle the tough problems like high fuel costs and the catastrophic illegal immigration fiasco and they play around with legislation to fund the troops and try to take the teeth out of the Homeland Security Bill.

Now do you think these people should be put in charge of a healthcare program? And let me ask you another question, if Hillary, Obama or McCain get their way with their healthcare programs, do you honestly think they'll have the same healthcare as you?

Down with Socialism, the horse it rode in on and the political candidates who support it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
May 19 , 2008

Posted by Wild Thing at May 27, 2008 03:44 AM


This is wonderful again, Charlie! And oh so true! I'm sending this to my nephew, Joe, who thinks Socialism is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I think he learned that in school. Everyone touts it as "share the wealth." But it's not--it's "get what you can before the government finds out about it and takes it from you." You have nothing, they have everything and they will only give you what they "think" you can live on, not what you truly need.
Does anyone out there think Jesus was a socialist? He taught that if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day, but if you teach him to fish, he eats for a lifetime. Kind and compassionate conservatism right there.
Time for this BS to end! I don't need socialized medicine because I don't want assembly line care or to wait 6 months for surgery for an emergency that could take my life before then. If I need surgery, I want it now--not when I'm more sick and have one foot in the grave!
Dummycraps of today are not true democrats. They are socialcrats. They want all this money for social programs to put us all on a government fed diet so they can "take care of us." I don't need the government taking care of me. I can do it myself better.

Posted by: Lynn at May 27, 2008 10:08 AM

Charlie Daniels hit a home run with this essay. Socialism is communism. The elite rule and live like royalty. For everyone else, lifes needs are rationed.

Posted by: TomR at May 27, 2008 10:55 AM

Lynn, yes he just gets better and better at his writings.

Your right about Jesus Lynn.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 27, 2008 05:26 PM

Tom I agree, every time I agree with him. And this time was exceptional.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 27, 2008 05:34 PM

At Biker week a few Fridays ago at Myrtle Beach he ended with 'The devil went down to Georgia' and Charlie did sing, " ... I told you once YOU SON OF A B*TCH I'm the best there's ever been!!!"
What a true patriot Charlie is WT!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at May 29, 2008 02:43 AM