Theodore's World: Gathering of Eagles On The Hill Update

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April 08, 2008

Gathering of Eagles On The Hill Update

Gathering of Eagles Capitol Hill After Action Report from Chris Hill, National Director

Following the 10am News Conference on Capitol Hill today, GOE visited 437 Congressional offices in support of the troops and their mission.

Chris said that "probably half of the offices were happy to see us," with "one quarter apathetic and one quarter passive-aggressive." Predictably, Southern Democrats and Republicans were more typically glad to see GOE representatives.

Overall, more than 200 in the House of Representatives gave a positive response to the Eagles.

Vets for Freedom will be doing follow-up lobbying Capitol Hill on Tuesday, and the VFW follows through on Friday, with all groups having coordinated their position papers, standing and speaking as one.

One of the best stories of the day was from the House side. State of Washington U.S. Rep. Brian Baird (D) recently came back from a visit to Iraq. His firsthand conclusion now is that, despite steadfast opposition to the Iraq mission, that we've WON and he was glad for the visit. The truth is getting out!

A Florida Congresswoman's office the Military Liasion came out of a back office, wanted to be sure and not miss the visit, glad to have knowledgeable people visit.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 8, 2008 03:50 AM


OLD GLORY is up and waving now in our yard. GOD BLESS America and her fighting patriots in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at April 8, 2008 11:44 AM

Darth isn't our Flag awesome. I love seeing it fly and when the wind comes up the waving in the breeze. It gives me goosebumps.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 8, 2008 11:55 PM