Theodore's World: Zombies Among Us In Politics

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February 01, 2008

Zombies Among Us In Politics

John McCain


zombies for Obama

Zombie attacks might increase due to global warming, study shows

W.M. Briggs

A new study by scientists has suggested that zombie attacks might increase if the current projections of global warming are realized.

“If the earth gets warmer, it means longer springs, summers, and falls, and shorter winters,” said John Carpenter-Romero, Ph.D., a zombie-ologist who co-authored the study. “And shorter winters means more time for the undead to prey on the populace.”
Dr. Harrister, the other co-author, and head of Zombie Robotics at Wayward Robot, Inc., explained that cold winters typically stalled the walking dead. “It is well known that zombies can’t operate in cold weather. It freezes their brains.”
The pair calculated a 32.782412% increase in zombie attacks if CO2 increased to twice its pre-industrial rate. “Clearly, this is a very troubling result,” said Dr. Harrister, “If we don’t do something soon, the streets will be filled with blood.”


Wild Thing's comment........

Global warming the unifying theory of climate that predicts everything and nothing.

Zombies among us, like those the ones running for office. LOL It is a well known and obvious fact that we’re all under attack by blood-sucking zombies and they are currently vying for President.

If this global warming keeps up we may get another attack by the killer tomatoes too!

Posted by Wild Thing at February 1, 2008 12:45 AM


Funny, when it's super cold out, it's "Climate Change," but when it's super hot out it's "Global Warming."
You know, where I live, it's been really, really cold and snowy this year. And it's suppose to be this way in the winter time! That's why they call it winter.
And it gets super hot in the summer like it's suppose to.
Of course, it's climate change. The climate changes with the seasons--any elementary school kid could tell you that.

Posted by: Lynn at February 1, 2008 05:21 AM

I don't know, WT. There was a long article about this a couple months ago in some archaeological journal...said that global warming would INCREASE zombie activity. These scientists are all over the place on everything. And for once, Helen Thomas is keeping her mouth shut.

But the Canadian Space Agency (there is one, eh?) reports that Flux Density Values of the sun are so low that a mini ice age is possible. The Great Coldening is coming, according to the MacKenzie Brothers.

Maybe Theodore's needs a Zombie Watch.

Posted by: Rhod at February 1, 2008 05:23 AM

I meant DECREASE. Sorry.

Posted by: Rhod at February 1, 2008 05:25 AM

The signs that the "Zombies" carry bear a chilling resemblance to the signs seen in Hard-core Marxist parades celebrating Mao, Kim-Jung-Il ,Castro etc. IMHO, I doubt that Obama is currently a Muslim but he could be a racist and he most certainly leans toward Marxism. Not good at all.

Posted by: Hassen bin-Sober at February 1, 2008 10:16 AM

There will be a catastrophic increase in global warming if the Democrats win the White House. Then, not only will there be an increase in zombie activity, but also vampires and Cal Berkely students. We must not let this happen. Vote Republican!

Posted by: TomR at February 1, 2008 12:40 PM

Does that mean more unwashed democrats will be lossed in New York City...

But Bill Clinton says he has the answer,,, Just slow donw the economy then we won't leave such a large carbon footprint... Maybe someone should leave a large footprint right in the middle of his forehead.

Posted by: Mark at February 1, 2008 01:32 PM

Zombies yes, they know the gummint will pay for the costs, whoopee!!! now let's all go and have a Latte at Starbucks.

Global warming, the communist's tax scheme to cripple the most industrious and self reliant nation that has ever been, to fund the Communists of the United Nations in it's global take over. Since 1933 this nation has been sold out. Here is what Communism promises and what's in store if the muzzies take over. We still have a choice but for how long?

Posted by: Jack at February 1, 2008 02:09 PM

I disagree that global warming will cause an increase in zombie attacks. The zombie attacks have been here for a long time. Just look at the damage the attacks from the following zombies have already done. McCain, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, Murtha, Kucinich, Algore, and Ron Paul. Stupid voters cause an increase in zombie attacks not global warming.

Posted by: Les at February 1, 2008 07:14 PM

McCain had 26 years to stop Pork Barrel $pending... He couldn't care less about illegals crossing his Arizona Republic's border until ... now? He tried to stop the Bush #43 tax cuts twice? He's against waterboarding islamofascist terrorists? One F'N ZOMBIE, eh?

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at February 2, 2008 12:20 AM

Lynn, hahha the kids are smarter then the Gorebies that's for sure. And kids are much more honest then Gore ever was too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:01 AM

Rhod, LOL I love it. OH let me see I would have to make a special Zombie Watch bear I think. heh heh.

Thanks Rhod. giggle

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:03 AM

Hassen bin-Sober, yep all those dictators have that zombie brain. hahaha Glad we haven't had one yet. Close with the Clinton's but now we might have one in our future, very concerning.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:07 AM

Tom, that's right, vampires too. hahahha

I am laughing but I am serious too. They are like vampires sucking our tax dollars and using up the social security money like the dems did for 40 some years. Dems are the reason for all things bad. sheesh

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:12 AM

Mark, unwashed is right. yuk. I like that idea to happen to Clinton.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:15 AM

Jack thank you somuch for that link. I never saw that before.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:17 AM

Les,like your list, what a bunch of freakie zombies they are.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:21 AM

Darth, for our side of the asile he (McCain) would win top zombie for sure.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 02:22 AM