Theodore's World: Jackie Mason '08 Vlog 9 John McCain is a Phony!

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February 02, 2008

Jackie Mason '08 Vlog 9 John McCain is a Phony!

"It's disgusting to me what John McCain will do to win an election. He blatantly lied about what Romney said about timetables in Iraq, and he got away with it. The voters in Florida believed his lies. Let us hope, that the rest of the Republicans of this country don't make the same mistake. I know he is a hero, and served our great nation proudly. He made many sacrifices for our country, but when it comes to becoming President, the only thing he will sacrifice is his morality. John McCain is a fraud!"

Wild Thing's comment........

Jackie has a razor sharp wit and thinking process.
He said Demorats have a choice between voting for two losers:
1. Hiltery, who thinks being married to a serial sexual degenerate gives her presidential internship to be president.
2. Obama, who thinks being in federal goverment for for 2 years gives him the ‘on-the-job training for president.

Posted by Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 05:47 AM


The Greatest Generation tells it like it is! How does my Uncle Don Rickles feel about Hitlery and Obomba? I miss Rodney Dangerfield as well!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at February 2, 2008 07:05 AM

Do you realize that if Bill Clinton was an ordinary citizen he would be a register Sex Offender?

Posted by: BobF at February 2, 2008 09:34 AM

Some food for thought!! I know here he goes again
with an other C&P

Why Should We Care Whether Hillary or McCain Wins?
Presidential Campaign Camp and Porkinstance
Hatched by Dafydd
In this post, Patterico applauds Ann Coulter for saying that if John McCain is the nominee, she'll campaign for Hillary Clinton for president. Then Patterico concludes:

I won’t go so far as to say I’d campaign for Hillary. But, judges aside, why should I care?
Well, here's why. (This was originally a comment I wrote for a previous post of ours; I'm breaking it out here as a stand-alone post.)

You don't win by losing.

If John McCain is nominated and loses, the next Republican nominee in 2012 will likely be more liberal, not less. There is no "great conservative hope" waiting in the wings to sweep to victory four years later, as in 1980 (or to sweep to catastrophic defeat four years later, as in 1964).

In the meantime, we'll have eight years of President Obama or President Hillary... in which so much of what we consider America is destroyed (politically or literally) that what is left is simply not a country we can imagine. If we think that there is no difference between McCain and either of those two bozos, then we have let passion make a fool of us.

No one's personal conservative faction is going to get 100% of its agenda, because a large percent of Americans -- even a large percent of good Republican conservatives -- don't agree with it. The only way any faction could get 100% of its agenda is to seize power and impose the last 30% of it by force of arms.

We live in a small-d democracy (which includes constitutional republics), and other people do actually get to have a say in the national agenda. If we look back to the Reagan era, he got no more than 60%-65% of what he wanted... but it was the right 65%, a critical 65%... including the death of the Evil Empire and a drastic (and urgently needed) cut in taxes.

You all know I'm not particularly a fan of John McCain, and I didn't vote for him in the California primary. But even so:

McCain supports the most important policy for our survival: War against global hirabah;

He supports efforts to significantly cut spending, and especially to eliminate earmark corruption;

He is pro-life;

He supports lower taxes today, even if he voted against them in 2001 (probably out of vindictive pique against George Bush);

He opposes same-sex marriage;

He supports free-market health-insurance reform, not socialized medicine;

He supports tort reform;

He supports more drilling in America than we allow today, even if not as much as want to see;

He supports the RKBA as a "fundamental, individual Constitutional right;"

On space issues, he supports the return to the Moon and a manned Mars expedition.

On every single one of these vital issues, he is on the opposite side of both Obama and Clinton.

Even on the issues where he parts company with most conservatives -- campaign-finance "reform," border control, global warming, how to treat terrorist detainees -- he is nowhere near as far left as those other two: The Democrats want completely open borders; they want to cripple the economy to fight globaloney much more rapidly and thoroughly than he; they want us not to detain terrorists at all, unless we do so as purely civilian criminal matters (and not to fight or confront them militarily); and they want us to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when the intelligence community was not allowed to communicate with the law-enforcement community.

Remember Gorelick's Wall? Jamie Gorelick was elevated to Deputy Attorney General on Hillary's demand, not Bill's. What role would she have in a Hillary Clinton administration? Attorney General? Supreme Court justice?

Finally, if one's biggest concern is presidential temperment... well, Hillary Clinton has a worse rage problem and is more vindictive than McCain. And Barack Obama is less experienced, more feckless, and is much more sympathetic to our enemies.

Therefore, I consider it literally insane -- divorced from reality -- for conservatives like Ann Coulter to say that if McCain is nominated, they will support Hillary or Barack. Medved has taken to calling this "MDS," McCain Derangement Syndrom... and for once, I agree with the lout: If McCain is nominated, any conservative who either supports the Democrat or who loudly and petulantly sits out the election is barking mad.

Ronald Reagan wouldn't have done that. When he lost the nomination in 1976 to sitting president Gerald Ford -- he went out and campaigned for Ford. He didn't announce that he wasn't going to vote or that he would vote for Jimmy Carter.

I want conservatives to grow up: If McCain is the Republican nominee, for God's sake, they should all vote for -- and campaign for -- John McCain, flawed as he is... because he is a thousand times better than the Democratic alternatives (there are no Harry Trumans or Hubert Humphreys left in power in the Democratic Party). To the extent conservatives they whine that McCain will "split (or destroy) the party," what they mean is that they themselves threaten to abandon the party if they don't get their way on every issue.

I warned that if conservatives turned against the GOP-written immigration bill that gave them 80% of what they wanted, demanding all or nothing, then they would get nothing -- and the next bill would be written by a Democratic Congress. Well, it will be.

If conservatives today turn against the Republican nominee, whoever he is, and either take their ball and go home or turn their jerseys and play for the opposition, then the next election will be against a strong, ensconced Democratic incumbent... and we'll lose that one, too.

And in the meantime, all the gains the country has made against liberalism in the thirteen years since the 1994 elections will be reversed, and we'll be right back to the Bill Clinton era of 1993 and 1994... but without any Newt Gingrich to lead us out of the wilderness.

Posted by: Tincan Sailor at February 2, 2008 11:23 AM

I will have to vote for the Repub candidate in the general election even if it is Mad McCain. My biggest worry is who he would pick as SCOTUS appointees. There may be several in the next 4 years and Mad McCain has terribly disappointed conservatives before with his socialist leanings.

Posted by: TomR at February 2, 2008 01:10 PM

Tom has the only reason to support a 'Republican' in the general election, SCOTUS appointments and even that can't be assured by any of the candidates who just might adopt the UN Charter to replace the Constitution.

Posted by: Jack at February 2, 2008 02:05 PM

So this is another hold your nose and vote for McCain, because he is a RINO,,, Good luck...I haven't gotten that desparate where I will vote for McCain. I will vote fot the most Conservative candidate and McCain aint it.

Posted by: Mark at February 2, 2008 02:25 PM

Of course he's as phony as a $3 bill.
But whoever picks up Thompson as a running mate, will have the edge. Thompson will temper that feeling to be a RINO and fall into the Nixon trap.
They better be thinking about it very soon or this nation will end up in ashes and us worker bees will be the ones to have to clean it up.
I think there are still some "conservatives" out there, but public schools have made those children feel like complete idiots and failures for thinking different and not conforming to socialism.

Posted by: Lynn at February 2, 2008 02:41 PM

Darth, Rodney was so ofunny and I love Rickles too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 05:04 PM

Bob, your right, I hadn't thought of that.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2008 05:05 PM

I am not that desperate that I will ever vote for John McCain. As far as SCOTUS appointments go, McCain was a leader of the gang of 14 that prevented Bush from appointing constitutionalist judges to the courts. McCain has stated that Judge Alito is too conservative.

McCain sided with the liberal Democratic Senators to block Bush appointments to the courts. So, what type of judges does anyone think that the Democrat dominated Senate would allow to make it to the bench if their partner in judicial crime McCain was ever President?

Vote NO to McCain.

Posted by: Les at February 2, 2008 07:11 PM

At this time we are just one Supreme Court Justice
away from the end of the Second Amendment,That is
One,that is all.Obama was here in Boise to-day,his
biggest crowd ever over 12,000 and we are a RED STATE??????

Posted by: Tincan Sailor at February 2, 2008 07:19 PM

Mark I agree with you 100%.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 3, 2008 12:28 AM

Lynn, exactly McCain is " he's as phony as a $3 bill".

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 3, 2008 12:29 AM

Les, your right, McCain will never get my vote.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 3, 2008 12:31 AM