Theodore's World: Don't Let The Government Tell You What To Eat

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December 05, 2007

Don't Let The Government Tell You What To Eat

Republican Presidential hopeful, former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., talks to supporters at Wade's Southern Cooking Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2007. in Spartanburg, S.C. (AP Photo/Mary Ann Chastain)

Thompson: Don't let the government tell you what to eat

SPARTANBURG, South Carolina

Fred Thompson wants the government to keep its hands off your dinner plate.

That's what he told a questioner Tuesday in South Carolina, anyway.

Standing about 15 feet away from a mouth-watering steam tray buffet loaded with fried chicken, creamed corn and macaroni and cheese at Wade's Southern Cooking in Spartanburg, Thompson dismissed the idea that preventative care and wellness education should be central features of a government's health care system.

"I'm telling you, I don’t think that it’s the primary responsibility of the federal government to tell you what to eat," Thompson said to applause when asked if his health care plan included any details on preventative care, a priority for Democratic candidates.
"The fact of the matter is we got an awful lot of knowledge,” said the former Tennesse senator. “Sometimes we don’t have a whole lot of will power, and I don’t know of any government program that's going to instill that."

Thompson, ever a fan of small government, said healthy living should be the responsibilities of families first.

"We shouldn’t be looking at the federal government in Washington first and working our way down, it ought to be just the other way around. With that, or whether you're talking about education, there's some things the federal government can't do," said Thompson.

Wild Thing's comment.........

I will alwys like to hear don't let the government be a nanny in my life. oh yessss

I love the idea of the govt staying out of my tummy. I am sick of them telling me what is healthy & what is not. Unless its to warn us of a bad product I wish they would stay out of my diet.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 12:45 AM


Amen. Awhile back, I almost died from Lipator poisoning and ended up in the hospital.

The end to a long story is that I stopped taking cholesterol medicine and blood pressure medicine and I'm vey healthy. I eat like a ghetto hog; soul, mex, southern, etc.

In short, it was government stats for my age that had me taking that poison. I have NO high blood pressure...except when it comes to Hillery, Pelosi and their ilk.

Posted by: Eat Mo' Chikin' Steve at December 5, 2007 08:38 AM

It's kind of scary to think how much the government will be controlling peoples lives in 25 years. They have effectively raised a generation that believes the government is the answer for everything. I firmly believe that the life and freedoms we enjoy today our grandchildren will never know when they reach our age.

Posted by: BobF at December 5, 2007 09:08 AM

So far they have taken the 'transfat' out of potato chips which now they taste like eating styro foam made crispy, McDonalds, who used to have the best French Fries, have change their way of cooking and the FF's now suck, They are trying to control every aspect of our lives. The
Air lines wants to charge fat people more to fly on a plane.

First smoking, now fat people will be banned and next will either be guns or Beer, or both.

They are complaining about the Kids being overweight, yet they have taken out Recess, and Gym is optional, dodge ball is too aggresive, what the hell do they expect. They come home from school and what do they do, sit on their butt and play video games or Watch the tube. For dinner they all go to Micky D's and the fat get fatter, and the skinny get fatter.

So now the government wants to fix the problem. The tasty food once common to fast foods is now gone, so people will resort to going out less and cook they way they like, AT home.

We got to take our country back and thats all there is to it.

Posted by: Mark at December 5, 2007 06:21 PM

Eat Mo' Chikin' Steve, LOL love the name. hahaha

I am sooooo glad you did that and that is great how you feel better. I don't take anything except vitmins, and Nick too. His doc tried to give him a drug for cholesterol. I told him no way, first try to stop eating so much shrimp when we eat out. Yippe it worked and went back to normal. The stupid charts just like you said had been raised to include more levels just to make money for the drug companies.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2007 11:57 PM

Bob I agree so much, Nick is always saying how glad he is he grew up in the time period he did. How the changes in the world don't look good at all as to what is to come.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 6, 2007 12:00 AM

Mark glad you said that about the gym period in schools. How do they expect kids to be healthy when they get so little exercise with no gym period. It should be mind and body that need to be exercised.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 6, 2007 12:04 AM

On my eating healthy diet for a month now... great success in weight loss...I'd kill for fried chicken and tater chips now!!!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at December 6, 2007 12:24 AM

Darth, congratultions on the weight loss.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 6, 2007 12:34 AM