Theodore's World: Illegal Aliens Show Their Gratitude

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June 06, 2007

Illegal Aliens Show Their Gratitude

Illegal aliens and their offspring show their true colors in Los Angeles filmed March of this year

Wild Thing's comment.............

But....a-hem...... Mel Martinez claims that "...this immigration bill will be the salvation of the Republican Party."

Hey Martinez shut up, you can leave too along with your illegal friends!!!!

Posted by Wild Thing at June 6, 2007 12:47 AM


No it won't--it will be the downfall of the Republican party.

Posted by: Lynn at June 6, 2007 05:06 AM

Interesting, in the one section of the video, the police were separating the illegal supporters from Black Americans. You don't hear anything on the MSM how Black citizens are taking to illegal aliens as the MSM tries to make you think it's only Whites that are against illegal immigration. I've heard Blacks on talk radio (Kansas City) that don't like it and are concerned about loosing their jobs to workers willing to work for half their pay.

Posted by: BobF at June 6, 2007 08:25 AM

These are what Bush calls the loyal Mexican family members who want only to live in America.

If this is his idea of a loyal American, then we elected the wrong man twice.

Is this his vision for America, people disrespecting the American flag, and all that it stands for, (?), is this his idea of Immigrants he wants for neighbors (?)

This isn't the America I grew up in, and I want it back.

Posted by: Mark at June 6, 2007 10:31 AM

Bush should have to watch this video every morning and every evening. He is going to give us the Amnesty Bill regardless of the price, the eventual outcome or how much we hate it. I hated Jimmy Carter for giving away the Panama Canal. I will despise George W Bush for giving away America.

Posted by: TomR at June 6, 2007 11:42 AM

We need a Tancredo or a Thompson to start legislation that will send these illegals back to Spain where their illegal ancestors came from.

Send a clear message that we don't want them on our continent any longer because they are disrespectful and unable to further their own culture past the 19th century.

Just like their parasitic ancestors lived off the blood of the Mayans and The Aztecs and all other central America civilizations, they want and need to be a bloodsucker to ours.

A "burn the mexican flag" day is a national holiday that is much needed in this country. May 1st (May day) would be a good day for this holiday.

"Spanish roundup" day would be a blast also. We can have parties starting a week before(May day) the big day where Americans spot as many illegals as possible and on "Spanish roundup" day we can chase them onto ships using "bolas" where they will be sent back to their homeland in europe. All illegals, of all nationalities, will be sent to Spain where they can have the joy of being the host to these lawless hordes for as long as they so choose.

Would you agree that May 5th would be the perfect day for this holiday?

Posted by: Dan at June 6, 2007 12:11 PM

Mel Martinez was hand picked by George Bush to facilitate his amnesty program, his position in the RNC assures the selection of amnesty sympathizers and that will be the downfall of the RNC and the RINO's there, but not the Republican Party. We are the silent majority and will prevail even if it means second seat for another 50 years. Remove that cordon of secret service from around these feckless politicians and leave the gates open into their gated and insular communities and let's see just how long the warm rosy feeling of 'brotherhood' lasts. They'll have the drug parties, the cockfights, trashing the neighborhoods, the auto wrecking yards in each yard, the muggings and burglaries that are coincidental to their presence. Oh I forgot. They'll clog the emergency rooms of the hospitals and have their own clinics dedicated to only them, educational levels will be adjusted accordingly to the new standard for entry into the world arena. The standard is, see one, do one , teach one. I left my last employement when 7 of the 13 employees were illegals and the training level was monkey see, monkey do, I refused to accept responsibility for an unacceptable quality product, the owner has since taken his manufacturing to China.

Posted by: Jack at June 6, 2007 02:31 PM

Lynn, ditto it sure will be.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2007 05:23 PM

Bob that IS interesting. I had not even thought of that when I watched it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2007 05:25 PM

Mark I agree, I want it back with all that is in me. My heart is broken, my soul is wounded and I fear for America.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2007 05:26 PM

Tom that is a marvelous idea, I wish that would happen. I wish he would have to see this video every single morning before he is allowed to do anything else.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2007 05:27 PM

Dan, >>>> Yes that would be a perfect holiday to do this. heh heh Love it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2007 05:28 PM

Jack I think your right, he hand picked him. Asd soon as I heard about Mel I was big time disappointed, one could almost read the writing on the wall feeling that very day.

Thanks for sharing about how it was at work like that, I don't blame you at all, I would have left too. That is just too much to put up with and live a long time.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2007 05:31 PM