Theodore's World: Pelosi Backs Murtha for Majority Leader

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November 13, 2006

Pelosi Backs Murtha for Majority Leader


Pelosi Backs Murtha for Majority Leader

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), "in line to become Speaker in January, is throwing her support to Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) in the race for Majority Leader, a move that will be an early test of her influence and will weigh heavily on Murtha's contest with Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) for the post," Roll Call reports.

"Pelosi, in a letter distributed Sunday to newly elected House Democrats, wrote that Murtha's outspoken opposition to the war in Iraq helped change the electoral campaign for the House this fall."

The Hill: "Her endorsement has the potential to turn the race, especially if she chooses to campaign on Murtha’s behalf. Pelosi’s decision to back Murtha is the most significant move she has made since Democrats scored a historic victory on Election Day."

But wait let's do some looking back................

Friday, January 6, 2006 3:40 p.m. EST

Nothing to Fear but Victory Itself
Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, who became a media darling in November by calling for immediate withdrawal from Iraq (though he voted against his own proposal when Republicans brought it to the House floor), elaborated on his views last night, reports National Review's Byron York:

Representative John Murtha, the Pennsylvania Democrat who has come to national prominence since his call for a quick withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, said Thursday night that he worries about "a slow withdrawal which makes it look like there's a victory."

Appearing at a town meeting in Arlington, Virginia, with fellow Democratic Rep. James Moran, Murtha said, "A year ago, I said we can't win this militarily, and I got all kinds of criticism." Now, Murtha told the strongly antiwar audience, "I worry about a slow withdrawal which makes it look like there's a victory when I think it should be a redeployment as quickly as possible and let the Iraqis handle the whole thing."

Does anyone still want to say it is unfair to characterize Murtha as rooting for American defeat?

Wild Thing's comment.......

After they start feeding America to the terrorists, and march onward to their goal of socialism and moral degradation, maybe the rest of our fellow Americans will finally get their heads out of the sand, or their arse, and realize what the party of Democrats has in mind for their future.

ABSCAM ABSCAM ABSCAM ABSCAM ........ well just a little reminder.

Posted by Wild Thing at November 13, 2006 12:44 AM


Oh yes, I feel so much better now with that dynamic duo! (NOT)

Posted by: yankeemom at November 13, 2006 11:11 AM

The Republicans have 2 years to get some competent leadership set up. By this I mean people who can communicate like Reagan, not stagger around like confused fools. The Dems are much better at making their(dishonest) points and have the MSM on their side. If the Repubs don't come up with steadfast, articulate leadership, we will have Murthas and Pelosis for the forseeable future. I kinda like John Bolton and Michael Steele as potential candidates, at least from what I have observed of them.

Posted by: TomR at November 13, 2006 11:26 AM

WT, I doubt that over half the population has the capacity to learn from mistakes.
Remember the Bay of Pigs? The 38th parallel? The fall of Saigon? Mogadishu? All engineered by the same party, déjà vu.

Posted by: Jack at November 13, 2006 12:52 PM

Yankeemom, I know what you mean.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 13, 2006 02:27 PM


"I kinda like John Bolton and Michael Steele as potential candidates, at least from what I have observed of them."............

Me too Tom.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 13, 2006 02:29 PM

Jack oh wow you know what, your right.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 13, 2006 02:40 PM

Captain Ed has some info today about Pelosi and her family's cozy relationship with Murtha's brother's lobbying firm.

Posted by: Cousin Dave at November 13, 2006 02:42 PM

Is that a picture of them doing the Macarana??

Jack: Hey Nancy, pull my finger.

Nancy: No Jack, you pull mine!

Posted by: Big Dog at November 13, 2006 02:53 PM

Cousin Dave, thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it. I will go over there right now to rread it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 13, 2006 04:23 PM

Big Dog, hahahaha it does look like that.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 13, 2006 04:23 PM

Actually, that is the Clinton finger wag foretelling a big, whoping lie is coming.

Posted by: TomR at November 13, 2006 09:56 PM