Theodore's World: NAKBA to Muslims

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March 08, 2006

NAKBA to Muslims

Symposium: To Rape an Unveiled Woman

A Muslim rape epidemic in sweeping over Europe -- and over many other nations host to immigrants from the Islamic world. The direct connection between the rapes and Islam is irrefutable, as Muslims are significantly overrepresented among convicted rapists and rape suspects. The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that there crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiled.

The jihad against the infidels is conducted on each and every level, not only as terror and suicide bombing. The jihad against women, who by their behaviour in the public sphere, are "asking for rape", as the Danish mufti Shahid Mehdi, a Qur'an teacher of joung Muslims in Copenhagen, put it in 2004, and/or towards their husbands, by their alleged disobedience are challenging the survival and expansion of Islam, of the "Ummah", is a must for the Muslim men.

Rehov:A friend of mine is a retired chief of police, who used to be in charge of the security of a major city in the south of France. He reported to me that his men had to face an average of 10 rapes a week, 80% made by Muslim young men. 30% being what we call, in French, a “ tournante “, meaning that the victim is being raped by an entire gang, one after the other, often during an entire night. My friend reports that, in many cases, he was able to locate and arrest the rapists, often very young ones, and, as part of the investigation, call the families.

He was astonished that, in most cases, the parents not only would back up their rapist children, but also would not even understand why they would be arrested.

There is an instant shift in the notion of good and evil as a major component of culture. The only evil those parents would see, genuinely, is the temptation that the male children had to face. Since in most cases the victims were not Muslims, the parents’ answer and rejection was even more genuine: how could their boys be guilty of anything, when normally answering to a provocation by occidental women, known for their unacceptable behavior?

The entire article is HERE


Wild Thing's comment.........

There is a word that followers of Islam hate more then any other word. If you are on a forum and Muslims are present and you use this word, most of the time they will immediately leave. The word is Nakba. The word Nakba is Arabic for “the Catastrophe,” and it refers to the creation of the state of Israel. The Palestinian rallies mournfully commemorate the day Israel was created. They call it "Al Nakba".

We as a country need to stop calling it the Religion of Peace, we need to say we are at war with Islam because that is more to the truth then the war on terror (WOT). Islam is TERROR and it is delivered to the world by such evil that we truly will never understand it imo. Oh we get hate, we get being pissed of, and we get how to fight back better then any other Military because ours ROCKS!

What some people don't get, those inflicted with apathy and filled with the disease of political correctness is that unless we call it what it is, unless our leaders make those speaking against this Nation i.e. Carter, Gore, Clinton,Kerry, Murtha, Reid and others.......are punished for treason when we are at war with the most vile, evil enemy this world has ever known.......we very well may loose if they get their way. They do not effect those of us except make us furious. But their constant barage of words and deeds are a negative force.

I agree with Craig Winn when he wrote....

"Calling it the war on terror camouflages our actual enemy....which is Islam. We need to understand who the terrorists are (good Muslims) and why they kill (Islam). The Qur’an is a declaration of war against all mankind. The Hadith is a terrorist manifesto. Muhammad could not give them a reason to live. He gave them a reason to die."

We should be blaming 9-11 on Islam not Osama bin Laden. He is just a currier of Islam. Not one of the Muslim murderers of that day said “Hail Osama.” They shouted, “Allahu Akbar.”

They have learned well this hate they have, they teach it to their young. What you drive, where you live, how much you own or have in your bank account does not matter to them. Your lifestye, politics, government policies, and even sanctions do not make a difference. Their hate is for anyone that is not a Muslim.

Let the entire world hear me," said Sheik Hassan Nasrallah on Sept. 27, 2002. "Our hostility to the Great Satan is absolute."

There's good reason to take this sheik seriously. In 1983, his Iranian-backed Lebanese terrorist group attacked the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 Americans. According to the opinion of U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth in the case of Peterson v. the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nasrallah attended the meeting in Baalbek, Lebanon, where the 1983 attack was planned. It was one of the deadliest terrorist strikes ever against the United States.

The sheik's Sept. 27, 2002, rally in Beirut celebrated the Palestinian intifadah. It was broadcast live on Lebanese TV and monitored by the BBC.

"Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September," Nasrallah said that day, "Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America!"

Posted by Wild Thing at March 8, 2006 02:27 AM

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Great job Chrissie. How can anyone respect people or religion that treat there women like beast of the field. That is exactly what Islam does. Where are all the great feminist where is the voices of NOW have they been stifled by fear.But again thanks Chrissie I think every Blogger should post about this.

Posted by: Jack Hamilton at March 8, 2006 05:37 AM

Good post and good points; all muslims are our enemies, and we must stop allowing our politicians to parrot their dhimmi lies.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 8, 2006 07:53 AM

Good point Jack, yes where is the voice of the men hating N.O.W. women. This should be something they can sink their teeth in so to speak and not a word.

Just like back in Clinton's regime, they were not upset then either at Clinton's behavior.

I can't stand feminists and this is one of the reasons. They hate men but also they are phony's and have a political agenda against the right.
How can someone hate men, they are great! And the agenda of the feminists could care less about women when it comes down to the wire of standing up for things like these rapes etc.

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 8, 2006 08:15 AM

NAKBA, I love it. Can you put it on a sidebar so new readers can pick up on it? Maybe you can start a trend getting it used as a greeting.

Posted by: TomR at March 9, 2006 07:29 AM

giggle Tom, that is an idea. Thank you I will think of some way to use it in the sidebar. heh heh
Thanks so much ((hug))

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 9, 2006 08:21 AM

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