Theodore's World: John Kerry ~ Send Me The Money So I can Defend My.... Honor??

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March 28, 2006

John Kerry ~ Send Me The Money So I can Defend My.... Honor??

Entire article HERE >.....Kerry and Producer do Battle For Honor (at Least the Word)

When Senator John F. Kerry set up a legal defense fund last month to fight a civil suit charging him with conspiracy and defamation, he called it the "Fund for Truth and Honor." The name seems to tweak the title of "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal," a 2004 documentary that criticized Mr. Kerry for his activities in the early 1970's in Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Carlton Sherwood, the journalist and Marine veteran who produced the film, and the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation filed the lawsuit in October in federal court in Philadelphia. The suit accuses Mr. Kerry and an aide of campaigning to stop the Sinclair Broadcasting Group from showing "Stolen Honor" and of trying to injure Mr. Sherwood's business and reputation. "If there's one lesson we learned from 2004, it's how much the right wing is willing to spend to attack John Kerry's honor," said David Wade, a spokesman for Mr. Kerry. "We want to set up some mechanism so that if this gets very expensive, you have some means of fighting back." Mr. Sherwood said this fight was nonpartisan. "This is a personal thing. It has nothing at all to do with his politics," he said. He called it an effort to make Mr. Kerry answer for having "defamed and excoriated hundreds of thousands of men, some of them killed in action, just for his own political future."

Wild Thing's comment.....

Truth and honor....qualities that he and his political papa Ted Kennedy will never possess!!!!!

Posted by Wild Thing at March 28, 2006 04:44 PM

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What a joke the words John Kerry and Honor used in the same breath. It is cracking me up.Kerry does not know the first thing about honor. He is still lying and has not released all his military records.

Posted by: Jack Hamilton at March 29, 2006 04:38 AM

Oh my gosh WT! Are you trying to ruin our appetites. First a post with a picture of Hillary eating, then a post with a picture of Kerry. Ugh, spit, cough, gag. At least put a picture or two in between these liberals of something less harsh like dog poop or road kill.

Posted by: TomR at March 29, 2006 08:01 AM

Jack H. I agree Jack good one.

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 29, 2006 06:13 PM

Tom LMAO hahaha good one.

Posted by: Wild Thing at March 29, 2006 06:14 PM

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